Board Meeting August 10, 2021

Wide Awake Club Library Board

Minutes, August 10, 2021

Members present:  Rod Bennett, Pat Ricketts, Shawn Hotchkiss, Karen Williams, Brad Wilber

Also present:  Roxanne Baker, Marriah Propert

Pat moved to accept the June minutes as submitted.  (Remember, no meeting in July; thanks to Shawn for filling in as secretary.)  Brad seconded.  Motion carried.

Shawn moved to accept financial documents as submitted.  Karen seconded.  Motion carried.

–Even though our regular lawn care guy Gordon Johnson uses his own mower, we will keep the library’s mower for now.

–We need to replace the faulty shade in the McGlynn Community Room.  It needs to be customized for the right dimensions, and the price will be about $180.

–Roxanne has put a strip of green tape at the end of the front walkway to draw people’s attention to a place whether the pavement is no longer flush.  It may be a losing battle trying to get it corrected permanently, but we’ll keep an eye on things.

Some grants news:

–We’ve deposited our $3,300 in grant money for the summer concert series.

–We’ve received $1,548 from the Manley Foundation, which we will use as our 30% match for our Appalachian Regional Commission tech grant.

–Grant money from Libraries Transforming Communities allowed the library to treat the community to Di Rienzo’s ice cream after the July 31 Hikes and Bikes, as a prelude to hosting the community conversation event on Aug. 25 at the town park pavilion.  This meeting about town revitalization has tie-ins to Explore Genesee Valley and the Trail Towns grant.  It’s been a decade since the town has articulated or updated a long-term plan, so cohesion of ideas and action are crucial at this time.


–Clerk and webmaster Dianne Heim has announced her retirement March 2022.

–Roxanne was able to give some important guidance to Tyler as he finished his time in the library through the Summer Youth Employment Program.

Karen moved that we add water backup coverage to our insurance policy immediately (for $175 / year).  Pat seconded.  Motion carried.  Flood coverage and plumbing failures will be part of what we consider in March when it’s time to re-up.

Respectfully submitted,

Brad Wilber