Wide Awake Club Library Board
Meeting Minutes September 6, 2022
Members present: Rod Bennett, Carole McGlynn, Pat Ricketts, Karen Williams, Shawn Hotchkiss, Rebecca Rowley, Brad Wilber
Others present: Roxanne Baker, Marriah Propert
Carole moved that we approve the previous minutes. Pat seconded. Motion carried.
Shawn moved that we approve the financial reports. Brad seconded. Motion carried.
Carole reported on the end of the Summer Concert Series. We welcomed 170+ attendees at Fiddle Kids and 100+ at the Town Theater of Short Tract program with a tie-in to the bicentennial.
Marriah suggested we increase Tonya’s credit card limit to $750. Sometimes, depending on how visitors, performers and guest lecturers bill, payment must be made by credit card, so those fees plus any other ordering can be tough to manage without a higher limit. Brad moved to approve the increase; Karen seconded. Motion carried.
We would like to give Susan Hall an Amazon gift card totaling $100, as appreciation for two audits. Shawn moved to approve the gift. Pat seconded. Motion carried.
Marriah’s work on next year’s budget will begin at the end of this month. We’re strongly considering adding a hospitality line to the budget, so that the coffee, tea, and snacks that have proved so popular no longer have to come out of Adult Programming.
Roxanne has a new quote for a new Xerox machine, basically a $47.25 monthly increase on the base rate. We do turn a profit on copying, incidentally. Roxanne has established separate rates for nonprofit and private use, and color vs. B&W. Carole moved to accept the new Xerox terms. Shawn seconded. Motion carried.
The Allegany County Area Foundation, based on Reagan’s grant proposal, awarded us $750 for children’s collection development. In another funding area, the matching grant for new public computer is also proceeding to the ordering stage through STLS. It will include a wireless printer.
We are investigating whether the dangerous loose sewer cover in the exit driveway is the library’s responsibility or the town’s.
Roxanne reported that circulation stats are returning to pre-pandemic levels. Because of the glare and general inconvenience, we are going to take down the Plexiglas at the circulation desk.
Special thanks on the yard sale ($1,300+ to the Club) to Ellen Tucker and Walker Insurance for their assistance. During the yard sale we discovered that the shed floor has gone spongy. We’ll likely need a cement pad, or something plastic, rather than further solutions in wood.
The library may be able to have a non-month page in future editions of the Rev-UP Hume calendar.
The Board went into executive session to discuss personnel benefits at this meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Brad Wilber