Wide Awake Club Library Board
Oct 14, 2021
Members present: Pat Ricketts, Rebecca Rowley, Brad Wilber, Judy Robertson, Karen
Williams, Shawn Hotchkiss, Rod Bennett
Others present: Roxanne Baker, Marriah Propert
Pat moved to accept the September minutes as submitted. Shawn seconded. Motion carried.
Notes on the financial documents included the following:
–Concert series numbers include paying for the commissioned bench.
–Marriah has budgeted for Wi-Fi hotspots next year.
–Budget figures reflect the fact that we dropped the idea of asking for a budget increase when the pandemic struck.
Judy moved to accept the financial documents. Rebecca seconded. Motion carried.
Roxanne reports that most regular programming has resumed. Tonya has also added a Wiggles and Giggles toddler time on alternate Wednesday mornings and Beyond Books enrichment and assistance for homeschool families.
The quilt raffle (the prize having been masterfully created by Rondus Miller and Brenda Sisson) is ongoing.
Even while we’re amenable to paying Don Barber what he wishes (probably making him an independent contractor), we need to take careful count of how many hours it takes to clean the building well and what that might convert to in wages or salary.
Upon Dianne Heim’s retirement, she will need to be replaced by someone who can maintain the library website.
We held a brief executive session to discuss salaries.
Remember that the next meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 11 at 6 pm. Continued budget discussion and finalization should reflect increased allocations for payroll (raises, sick time accrual, payroll taxes), utilities, insurance, and automation (STLS cost share).
Respectfully submitted,
Brad Wilber